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What if you could be
part of a group that
raises more than $25,000 for
Tallahassee non-profits in
just one hour?



  If your time is limited and you want... 


  • 100% of your donation to stay in Tallahassee;

  • to learn about or share information about local non-profits; and

  • to be part of a powerful new group of women making an immediate, direct,   positive impact in Tallahassee then...                                                                                                                                                                                                 

  100 Women Who Care Tallahassee is perfect for you!

The concept is straightforward.

  • Members commit to donate $100 per quarter to the selected non-profit


  • Members nominate local non-profits prior to the meeting (download nomination form below)


  • Three non-profits are selected prior to the meeting from the process below


  • Five-minute presentations are made by the three selected local non-profits


  • Secret ballot votes determine which of the three local non-profits receive the donations that quarter


  • Donations can be made by check or through


The Process


Approximately two weeks prior to the meeting, all members will receive an email requesting nomination for their favorite local nonprofit.  Once nominations are received, the co-founders meet and randomly draw three names from the pool of nominees.  All members will then receive a subsequent email announcing the three local nonprofits that were selected.  This email will also contain the selected nonprofits’ websites.  We encourage you to visit the websites and research each group prior to their presentations.  At the meeting, after all three presentations, each member will vote via secret ballot.  The winner will be announced at the end of the meeting.



Our local chapter, 100WWC TLH, started in the Fall of 2020, now has around 230 members, and as of November, 2024 has awarded over $440,150 in funding to many vital non-profits serving our community.



Cell: 850-599-2645



Cell: 850-508-2139



Cell: 850-545-2602

The Story Behind 100 Who Care

Karen Dunigan always found it interesting that one of her greatest ideas was born from something as simple and basic as baby cribs. It was during lunch one day in 2006 in Jackson, Michigan with executive leadership from the Center for Family Health, where other fundraising matters were being discussed, that the Center’s CEO mentioned a need she learned about at a staff meeting earlier that morning regarding new mothers and portable cribs. Karen’s ears perked and she told the CEO that would be something she would like to know more about and another lunch was scheduled to specifically discuss the need.


During the follow up lunch, details were shared on how new mothers were bringing their babies home and placing the sleeping infants in boxes, dresser drawers or on their own beds because they could not afford a proper crib. Some of these babies didn’t survive the night. Karen was presented with a list of how many cribs were needed, the cost of mattresses, blankets and beds. In all, a total of $10,000 was needed.


As Karen began thinking about Center for Family Health’s need, she knew there had to be a way to quickly and easily meet the financial request that was presented. With all of her involvement in the community, Karen knew she could call ten people and ask them to write $1,000 checks, but she also figured she knew 100 women who would each give $100. She began making phone calls and scheduled a meeting. At that first meeting, in one hour, a group of Karen’s friends heard the story and each wrote checks to the Center for Family Health, resulting in a $12,800 donation, more than requested, to supply new mothers with the simplest need: a crib.


Karen recognized that she was on to something special and that it too was in its own infancy and needed to be nurtured to grow. She founded the first 100+ Women Who Care and scheduled quarterly meetings. The rules were simple, any member could present a need in the community, the need had to be immediate and the money had to remain local. The idea was that a worthy cause benefits many in the community.


Karen’s legacy lives on through the expansion of 100+ Chapters throughout the world. There are now more than 900 chapters either fully operational (650) or under development (more than 250) and they include women, men, people, kids, and teens chapters. Karen saw people for their strengths and realized that when 100 or more people come together in a room, each person becomes a powerful force for doing good work while lifting up your community. We are each strong in our own right, but together we are stronger. Karen knew this, applauded it and was so very proud of 100+ Women Who Care.


For more information visit

Nonprofits Funded since Nov. 2020

Good Samaritan Network.............................$21,250 

Bicycle House..............................................$18,300 

Brehon Family Services..................................$22,200

Lee's Place...................................................$24,000 

STAC Survive & Thrive Advocacy Center..........$23,300 

JLFW Joanna Francis Living Well.....................$24,000 

CCYS Capital City Youth Services....................$26,000 


IRC International Rescue Committee.................$27,500 

Lutheran Service of North Florida....................$27,700 

Joseph House...............................................$28,000 

Shine Tally....................................................$27,900

Grace Mission..............................................$28,900

REfire Culinary..............................................$29,000

Elder Care Services.......................................$28,000

The Blessing Cup...........................................$29,400

Foundation LCS Book Drive............................$27,900

$440,150 total through 11/2024

Upcoming Meetings
In person and Zoom meetings provided

Meetings held at:

St. Paul's United Methodist Church, in Sanders Hall (by Lake Ella)

1700 N. Meridian Road

Tallahassee, FL 32303


Meetings start at 5 p.m. and usually conclude by 6 p.m.

Mark Your Calendars

Feb. 6, 2025

May 1, 2025

Aug. 7, 2025

Nov. 6, 2025



I have been so touched by all the outpouring of generosity from this group. It is awesome to see a group of women making such a difference in our community.

Angela Lee

May 20,2021



Downloads are available below in PDF format for your convenience

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